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Posts tagged: Trends

How To | Transition to Summer 2018

Plants are blooming, birds are singing, kids are swimming, so it’s time to do a spring cleaning. What better excuse to refresh your rooms for the season? After all, the warmer months are upon us and summer is just around the corner. Simplify or Electrify Break out from those wintery hues and welcome the...

Trend Alert | Why Cafe Style Seating at Home is the Next Big Thing!

When French sidewalks become a source of design inspiration, the thought of furnishing with cafe style seating is no longer a fugitive idea, but rather a “I have to have it” type of obsession. What is it about cafes and bistros that is so appealing? Is it the appetizing aroma, the cosy ambience, industrial lighting, chill music and...

Style Focus | Top 5 Reasons Why We All Love Danish Scandinavian Furniture Styles

Although the most iconic Scandinavian pieces were designed between the 1930s to the 1960s, it was not until the 50s that the prominence of this design movement was fully recognized. Since then, the beauty of minimalist Scandinavian furniture and homewares has brought fame and global acknowledgement to numerous noteworthy Scandinavian designers who have lifted the standards of interior design...

Style Focus | Autumn Furniture Looks

The modern home is constantly evolving, furniture concepts changing by the season. Autumn has arrived and there’s no time like the present to update your decor to reflect the change in weather. So what concepts will mark their presence into people’s homes in the autumn of 2016? Let’s find out! Add some GREY dimension Grey is the new beige....

Trend Alert | Most Popular Furniture Styles So Far 2016

2016. Even though it is February it is still a New year, and a new year means new decorating plans! It’s not easy to follow up on your New Year’s resolutions when you don’t know where to start, torn between various furniture styles tempting the eye on Pinterest, home decor magazines and reputable interior design blogs. We...

Style Focus | Decorate Your Home With French Provincial Furniture

Elegant, shapely, textured, detailed and boasting an old world charm, these are the characteristics of the beautiful French provincial look. Don’t mistake it for an overwhelming, heavily ornamental style. It is not. The genuine French style is all about refinement, eclecticism and harmony and used as a way to enhance your home decor can make your guests say...

Trend Alert | What Colours Are in This Summer for Your Interiors

Colour is essential in creating a stimulating environment. Colour is also subjective. Whether you’re drawn towards a serene, relaxing space or a sensory-rich experience full of patterns, textures and various hue intensity levels, one thing is certain: the new year came with an abundance of colour trends you can use to your advantage when redecorating your home this summer....

Style Focus | What Furniture Is in Style for 2016

We bid farewell to 2015 and now look forward to giving our homes a fresh, new look that reflects the attitude of 2016 interior styling. But what furniture trends emerged to give us the inspiration we seek to transform our living space into a fashionable den? Find out below! Colour authority And we’re reaching out to Pantone yet...

Interior Spotlight | Popular Natural Oak Furniture

Why oak wood? Oak wood is a weighty hardwood, thick and dense, featuring an open grain, denoting strength, sturdiness and reliability unlike others woods used in furniture today. It can preserve its appeal even in wet conditions and is highly resilient against fungal and insect attacks. Solid oak has been used to build war vessels from ancient times and became...

Style Focus | Top 5 Christmas Home Decor Ideas

This the season to be merry with Christmas baubles, wreaths, ribbons and such, an always welcomed intrusion into our usual home decor. Thinking of tying the embellishments to a certain theme? The trendier, the merrier, so here are our Top 5 Christmas Décor Ideas so you can celebrate in style and in tune with your home aesthetic Summer blues...

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