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Posts tagged: wooden-furniture

How To | 3 Minimalist Styling Tips Designed to Inspire

Minimalist living is based on the key ideas of reducing clutter, only working with the essentials and keeping the overall style simple. Designing your home with a minimalist mindset can be challenging as it calls for less ‘impractical’ decor pieces and more functional, purposeful elements in your home. However, if we strip away the ‘unessential’ items that previously acted as...

How To | Your Guide to the Perfect Summer Living Space

It’s December and we’ve hit the Summer Season. We’re getting the vibe that December and January are going to heat up and we’re not complaining. However there’s nothing like being stuck inside when it’s just too hot to be out in that Aussie Sun. So we’ve come up with a few ways to ensure your living space is...

How To | Successfully Hosting Christmas - Serving 3 Key Looks

The festive season is always a joyful time of the year but can also be one of the most stressful, especially if you’re playing host this time around. In true festive-spirit, we’ve narrowed down three key and iconic looks to help relieve your home-styling pressure, and answer your question of how to decorate a

Style Focus | Style Your Home for the Festive Season

It’s a classic Aussie Christmas Day. The sun’s out. We’re enjoying the summer breeze, a swim in the pool and a classic roast or BBQ lunch. Oh and don’t forget the Pavlova! We don’t have that White Christmas you see in the movies. Instead we do it the best way we know how, with family around the lunch...

Trend Alert | Styling with Black - Our Go-To Guide

  When it comes to fashion, “black goes with everything.” It’s a colour that is associated with sophistication and style, and has the ability to create a striking statement. So why do we opt for black clothing but are sometimes hesitant to apply these ideas in our homes? Our thoughts: Be brave and go for it! We’re not saying to fill...

Style Focus | California Cool - Your Ultimate Style for Summer

Let’s face it, we’re all holding out for some hot weather and a Summer holiday! And with Christmas around the corner, it’s that time of the year to hire a holiday house, go down the coast and spend your days relaxing on the beach or on the couch! There’s just something about going to a new environment and feeling that...

How To | Find the Right Coffee Table for Your Space

Finding a new coffee table should be a breeze but there are many more factors that go into picking the right coffee table for your living room. Firstly, the coffee table dimensions need to be the right size, from height, length, and width. Secondly, it...

How To | Master the Art of Easter Egg Dyeing

Trust us when we say dyeing Easter eggs is much, much easier than it’s made out to be. Forget those dyeing kits. You can dye eggs with what you already have in your pantry! Here’s our foolproof step-by-step recipe on how to marble dye your eggs.

Interior Spotlight | Luxurious Marble Dining Tables

A Luxurious Statement to Last a Lifetime Marble has been a statement of luxury in design-conscious homes for centuries. The differences in veining and colour distinguish two marble classics: Calacatta and Carrara Marble. Calacatta is known as a whiter stone with bold and distinguished veining, while Carrara has a soft grey tone with more subtle veining....

Interior Spotlight | Bar Stools with Backrest - Dining On Your Terms

Source: The scenario is all too familiar; you are having a group of people over for dinner for the first time. Maybe they are new friends, maybe work colleagues. You have prepared an elegant setting; aperitivo drinks and delicious hors-d'oeuvres at your Kitchen Island/ Bar Counter. It’s a place of gathering; you’re all going to have a...

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