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Trend Alert | Your Colour Style Guide to Spring/ Summer 2019

Spring is officially here! And you know what that means? A decor update! But with so many trends out there and how quickly they change; it’s hard to keep up with them. Lucky for you, we’ve found the top four shades of the season that are perfect for any modern home (and not just fashion).


Burnt Orange


Think of dark autumn vibes or cheery spring days. Darker orange shades are a great transition colour from the cold to warmer seasons. It’s an earthy and bright colour that works well with neutrals and other vibrant shades to create an inviting ambience in the home.  Opt for decor pieces, like cushions, in the living room to introduce these burnt oranges into your home.



Penley Bedside Table | Kayla Dining Chair.


Are you over the jewel tones of emerald and ruby? Then you’ll love teal, an oceanic hue that is flexible as an accent or main colour in your space. This blue-ish green complements the over hot hues on this list thanks to its brighter and neutral quality. Teal furniture or decor is a subtle way to add colour to the room and brings a natural quality to your space.



Leona Velvet Armchair.


Eclipse is the blackest navy with a sophisticated and anchoring quality that will ground any space with its neutrality. Navy furniture has the same neutral and easy-to-style look as black or grey sofas, which is perfect for anyone looking to add a subtle colour. The hint of navy helps keep your space feel alive and less black and white, which can start to feel clinical over time. Eclipse is elegant, modern, and versatile – making navy a must-have staple for any colour palette.


Pressed Rose

Joanna Armchair | Luna Coffe Table | Tara Ottoman.


Of course, it wouldn’t be a spring palette without pastel colours. Pressed rose is a precious pastel pink that is shamelessly feminine. A step-up from the blush or millennial pink of 2016-2017, this sweet shade brings a touch of warmth to the decor. Due to its soft hue, pressed rose blends easily with other similar or contrasting shades for a modern look to the home.


Hot Pink

Ken 2 Seater Sofa - Dark Pink.


On the other spectrum, hot pink is far from the pastel hues of pressed rose. Hot pink has been parading all over the red carpet this season. So, it makes sense to see a parade of hot pink decor and furnishings within interiors too.  An in-your-face and retro shade, hot pink steps outside the trend to make an unapologetic statement that will capture everyone’s attention the moment they walk into your space.



Amanda Sofa Bed - Blush Mellow.


A little bit coral, part-red and part-orange shade; persimmon takes us to sun-kissed destinations and invigorates the decor with its vibrancy. Persimmon is definitely not for homes that prefer neutral, natural, or muted colours. Nonetheless, it introduces dynamic and lively energy that is unmatched with anything else this season.


Pale Yellow

Following the trend of de-saturating colours, pale yellows (like citron) are perfect for the spring. Shy and modest, pale yellow balances between the neon brightness and subtlety to update your home with a citrus-y goodness. Find yellow furniture, cushions, rugs, or other decor pieces to incorporate this humble colour into your space.