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Posts tagged: sofas

How To | Choose the Right Dining Table For Your Home

Redecorating, renovating or moving into a new home is an exciting time. It’s an opportunity for you to add personality to your décor and inject your sense of style into your home.  That includes choosing the pieces you love that are in line with your vision, style and the space you're working with. There are a...

Trend Alert | Shades of Luck to Bring Into the Home

More than just festivities and good food, the mark of Lunar New Year (or commonly referred to as Chinese New Year) is a very significant one. Filled with history and many traditions, you’ll see Lunar New Year is celebrated by a whole community of Asian countries, and varied cultures.  What makes this time so important? It...

Trend Alert | Your guide to our Top 2020 Interior Design Trends

The beginning of a new year means new resolutions, new ideas, and new trends. Whether you’re a follower of what’s current, or lead with your own style, it’s hard not to fall in love with the latest trends - taking shape in the world of interiors. Here's how you can incorporate some of these styles to refresh your home.  ...

How To | 3 Minimalist Styling Tips Designed to Inspire

Minimalist living is based on the key ideas of reducing clutter, only working with the essentials and keeping the overall style simple. Designing your home with a minimalist mindset can be challenging as it calls for less ‘impractical’ decor pieces and more functional, purposeful elements in your home. However, if we strip away the ‘unessential’ items that previously acted as...

How To | Our 2019 Christmas Gift Guide - Gifts For Mums and Dads

Christmas is a stressful time of year and buying gifts for the special family and friends in your life can be a difficult and hectic task!  If you’ve left your shopping to the last minute (don’t worry you’re not the only ones) we have a couple of ideas that will help along your way to finding the perfect gift for...

How To | Your Guide to the Perfect Summer Living Space

It’s December and we’ve hit the Summer Season. We’re getting the vibe that December and January are going to heat up and we’re not complaining. However there’s nothing like being stuck inside when it’s just too hot to be out in that Aussie Sun. So we’ve come up with a few ways to ensure your living space is...

How To | Successfully Hosting Christmas - Serving 3 Key Looks

The festive season is always a joyful time of the year but can also be one of the most stressful, especially if you’re playing host this time around. In true festive-spirit, we’ve narrowed down three key and iconic looks to help relieve your home-styling pressure, and answer your question of how to decorate a

Style Focus | Style Your Home for the Festive Season

It’s a classic Aussie Christmas Day. The sun’s out. We’re enjoying the summer breeze, a swim in the pool and a classic roast or BBQ lunch. Oh and don’t forget the Pavlova! We don’t have that White Christmas you see in the movies. Instead we do it the best way we know how, with family around the lunch...

Trend Alert | Styling with Black - Our Go-To Guide

  When it comes to fashion, “black goes with everything.” It’s a colour that is associated with sophistication and style, and has the ability to create a striking statement. So why do we opt for black clothing but are sometimes hesitant to apply these ideas in our homes? Our thoughts: Be brave and go for it! We’re not saying to fill...

Style Focus | California Cool - Your Ultimate Style for Summer

Let’s face it, we’re all holding out for some hot weather and a Summer holiday! And with Christmas around the corner, it’s that time of the year to hire a holiday house, go down the coast and spend your days relaxing on the beach or on the couch! There’s just something about going to a new environment and feeling that...

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