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Posts tagged: accent-chairs

Style Focus | What Furniture Is in Style for 2016

We bid farewell to 2015 and now look forward to giving our homes a fresh, new look that reflects the attitude of 2016 interior styling. But what furniture trends emerged to give us the inspiration we seek to transform our living space into a fashionable den? Find out below! Colour authority And we’re reaching out to Pantone yet...

Trend Alert | Santa’s Favourite Furniture Picks

Christmas is that time of the year when your shopping list is no longer limited to necessities and whims. Friends and loves ones they all have to be spoiled and one of the most practical and lavishing gifts you can make is furniture. If you’re familiar with their taste in home décor, there’s no reason why you can’t make a...

Style Focus | The Christmas Dining Edition

When it comes to updating your home decor for the holidays, many people focus on tree ornaments, outdoor light installations and hanging decorations for the mantle or the staircase. The dining room décor is equally important, representing one of the easiest ways to showcase your guests your version of the holiday spirit and create a more memorable Christmas dining...

Interior Spotlight | Barstools for Any Setting

Made with style for every occasion, our wide range of bar stools parades luxury, comfort and aesthetic appeal perfect for accentuating the interior and exterior of your home or cafe Stools for your Bar or Cafe As the name suggests, these clever furnishings were initially created to sit under benches at pubs and restaurants in order to accommodate for...

Style Focus | Your Guide to Summer Homewares & Decor

As self-confessed summertime lovers and decorating enthusiasts, we can’t help but be excited at the thought of revelling in warmth and brightness, enjoying the feel of perfect harmony between what we see out the window and what we see when we look inside our homes. In other words, summer homewares and decor should positively reflect the upcoming season, moving...

Trend Alert | The Must Have Furniture for This Summer

With the arrival of the new season, it’s not hard to imagine how we’d like our homes to look like. Everyone is looking to bring in the charm of the outdoors through blooming plants, refreshing colour palettes and lightweight, woven floor covering choices. What about furniture? Do you know what must-have furniture pieces work best with your favourite summer...

How To | Ideas to Brighten up the Dining Room

Arguably the most frequented area in your home, dining rooms are the perfect projects for a makeover. The good news is that it can be done so simply; often just a single standout piece can make your dining room furniture look and feel brand new. Play with themes, colour accents and everything in between. Regardless of the style of...

How To | Designing Your Office Space to Increase Productivity

When it comes to creating an office layout for a start-up business, you may be tempted to try office fitouts and save as much money on furniture and accessories as possible. After all, a work space is all about some desks and chairs, right? Wrong. Putting together an office setting in favour of cutting down your...

Trend Alert | Autumn 2015 Styling

Gone are the warm summer nights where we would spend most of our time outdoors. Let the beautiful autumn colours of falling leaves be your inspiration in your home as you prepare for the colder winter days ahead. NEUTRAL & SUBDUED PALETTES This autumn the colour palette has changed in...

Interior Spotlight | Interior Secrets Revealed - Top 10 Bar Stools

Bar stools may only be one small element of an interior design, but they can make a bold statement. Whether at home, in a restaurant or bar interior, today’s bar stool designs are stepping out with edgy yet wonderfully familiar forms and retro colours. Choose simple, straightforward designs to complement your streamlined kitchen space....

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